mean solar noon longitude -107.75 degrees 107 deg 45 min west of greenwich 11:11:00 12:11:00 13:11:00 14:11:00 gmt-0800 gmt-0700 gmt-0600 gmt-0500 11:41:00 12:41:00 13:41:00 gmt-0730 gmt-0630 gmt-0530 local clock at solar noon local clock & time zone
about solar noon calculator
due to geographical / political perturbations, your clock time may be very far from actual solar time... it might be daylight saving or summer time, or worse!
no need to sacrifice truth for reality... if you know your longitude, this web-widget will calculate clock time for mean solar noon at your location...
1 enter your longitude as decimal degrees –west or +east of greenwich, or degrees e/w minutes. (for example, -107.75 or 107w45 is my location in new mexico, usa, north america)
2 on the calculator display, find your local clock time & time zone, and the solar noon time that goes with it. (note: local clock is for approx reference only)
to get your longitude, consult your local astronomer or astrologer, an encyclopedia, atlas or ephemeris, the local weather report, or your gps.
longitudes for some places around the world...
one could also go outside, put a stick in the ground and trace the shadow to determine actual solar noon exactly, for that day :)
my home-made webserver is part of netsofa, written in hypercard 2.41, running in mac os 7.55i on a 100% solar-powered powerbook 540. (if the netsofa server is down, please try again around noon gmt-0700 :)