vansprouts at cos - community internet - food co-op - wild west end - laguna encantada - lost & foundation
city of the sun wastewater lagoon sludge sampling - laguna encantada news - permit reports - water bills current - archive 2008/06 2008/05 Discharge Permit Reports & Data for New Mexico Environment Dept Analytical Lab Reports Lagoon O & M Reports COS Water Meters [ top lab notes o&m water ] |
COS Lagoon Analytical Lab Reports Lab Test (method id) typical results for domestic ww (method detection limit) Sample date/time (local 24h) 2003 Nov 2004 Apr 2004 Oct 2005 Apr 2005 Oct 2006 Apr 2006 Oct 2007 Apr 2007 Oct 2008 Apr Jun 5 Oct 1 19 13:15 8 10:00 19 08:00 - 10 09:00 5 09:30 4 12:30 12 09:00 9 09:05 14 10:00 10:00 10:30 Lagoon pond (grab sample) Nitrate/Nitrite as N (353.2) typical 0-1 mg/L (MDL 0.02 mg/L) 0 0.07 0 - 0.21 0.21 0.14 0.05 0.07 0.05 0.35 0.10 mg/L Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen TKN (351.2) typical 10-30 mg/L (MDL 0.3 mg/L) 59.2 16.3 11.5 - 60.1 36.5 43.9 23.1 57.3 32.1 57.5 29.4 mg/L Total Dissolved Solids TDS (SM 2540C) typical 800-1000 mg/L (MDL 27 mg/L) 4101 2494 3651 - 4670 3037 2174 1974 4088 - 5742 2352 mg/L Chloride (4500-Cl_D) typical ? (MDL 0.5 mg/L) 524.6 292.6 416.7 - 541.0 324.4 271.7 196.7 439.5 - 678.6 302.8 mg/L Total Phosphorus (EPA 200.7) typical 1-2 mg/L (MDL 0.05 mg/L) - - - - - - - - - 9.49 mg/L (see notes) Ammonium as N (350.1) typical ? (MDL 0.04 mg/L) - - - - - - - - - 3.82 mg/L |
COS Lagoon Operations & Maintenance date - weather - operator color (dark / pea green, brown, grey, other) odor (algae-like, earthy, septic, none, other) freeboard (of 5 feet maximum pond depth), em (microbial culture) comments (scum debris sludge foam algae pond-veg woody-shrubs weeds insects burrowing erosion seepage shorting fence signs monitor-well) 2007 jan 28 - sunny - chris v color dark green, odor medium algae-like, freeboard 2 ft, em 1-2 gal/week work party cleaned up weeds, raked out debris, scum, underwater dead weeds 2007 may 15 - sunny windy - chris v color dark green, odor low algae-like, freeboard 3 ft, em 2 gal/week woody shrubs & weeds, burrowing, erosion, fence needs minor repairs raked out debris & some weeds 2007 jun 16 - sunny clear hot - chris v color dark green, odor low algae-like, freeboard 3 ft, em 2 gal/week work party cleaned up woody shrubs & weeds, minor fence repairs signs of burrowing animals 2007 jul 14 - sunny hot - chris v color dark green, odor low algae-like, freeboard 3 ft, em 2 gal/week raked out debris, excessive algae - applied max em (4 gal/week) ok work party repaired some fence posts, filled holes under fence woody shrubs & weeds, burrowing, erosion - another work party needed... 2007 aug 18 - sunny windy - chris v color pea green, odor low algae-like, freeboard 3 ft, em 2 gal/week raked out & agitated scum & debris excessive algae - increased em to 4 gal/week ok woody shrubs & weeds, burrowing, erosion - work party needed... 2007 sep 16 - sunny calm - chris v color medium green, odor low algae-like, freeboard 3 ft, em 2 gal/week ok woody shrubs & weeds, burrowing, erosion - work party needed... 2007 oct 20 - sunny windy - chris v color dark green, odor medium algae-like, freeboard 3 ft, em 1-2 gal/week scum, debris & floating sludge from large rv dump - raked & shredded, em 4 gal/week woody shrubs & weeds, burrowing, erosion - work party scheduled... 2007 oct 27 - sunny windy - chris v color dark green, odor low algae-like, freeboard 3 ft, em 2 gal/week work party cleaned up weeds & some woody shrubs, filled holes under fence dogs digging under fence - needs major improvement, proposal to board... long-term berm erosion - plan to plant native grasses, proposal to board... 2007 dec 2 - sunny windy cold - chris v color dark green, no odor, freeboard 2.5 ft, em 2 gal/week raked out some debris 2008 jan 6 - sunny windy cold - chris v color dark green, no scum no odor, freeboard 2.5 ft, em 2 gal/week 2007 feb 16 - sunny cold - chris v color dark green, no odor, freeboard 2 ft, em 2 gal/week raked out some debris 2008 mar 21 - sunny windy cold - chris v color dark green, no scum no odor, freeboard 2 ft, em 2 gal/week 2008 mar 30 - sunny windy warmer - chris v color light brown, odor very low earthy, freeboard 2.5 ft, em 4 gal/week someone dumping extra 1-2000 gals per day? - got sample, checked well meter... raked out debris, work party finished cleaning up weeds & woody shrubs 2008 apr 14 - sunny windy warmer - chris v color light brown, odor very low algae-like, freeboard 2.5 ft, em 4 gal/week ok (archy said seasonal temp change is causing normal vertical circulation in pond) (after 2 weeks, brown sample in airtight glass jar turned into green slime, ok) 2008 may 17 - sunny/cloudy windy humid - chris v color medium green, odor low algae-like, freeboard 3 ft, em 2 gal/week dogs digging under fence - needs major improvement, proposal to board... long-term berm erosion - plan to plant native grasses, proposal to board... 2008 jun 5 - sunny windy - chris v color medium green, odor low algae-like, freeboard 3.5 ft, em 2 gal/week grab sample taken about 8 ft from east edge and 6 inches below surface 2008 jun 15-16 - sunny calm hot! - chris v color dark green, odor medium algae-like, pond level almost too low added 8100 gallons of irrigation water, freeboard from 4 ft to 3.75 ft 2008 jun 20-22 - windy! dust & rain storms! - chris v added 17800 gallons of irrigation water, freeboard from 3.8 ft to 3.4 ft 2008 jun 26-29 - hot cloudy humid windy, dust & rain storms! - chris v added 11320 gallons of irrigation water, freeboard from 3.6 ft to 3.3 ft color dark green/brown, odor medium algae-like, em 4 gal/week ok 2008 jul 6 - windy, dust & rain storms - chris v color dark/pea green, odor low algae-like, freeboard 3.1 ft, em 2 gal/week 2008 jul 18 - sunny/rainy windy hot - chris v color dark/pea green, odor very low algae-like, freeboard 2.9 ft 2008 aug 4 - cloudy/rainy calm hot! - chris v color pea green, odor low algae-like, freeboard 2.8 ft large cranes, many dragonflies, 2-3 turtles observed, nice thin carpet of vegetation all over banks from light steady rains, shallow non-woody- rooted annual indigenous weeds, a few patches of wild native grasses of various species (hopefully natural erosion-control?), further ident of some plants needed... 2008 aug 30 - cloudy cool rainy - chris v color dark green, odor none, no scum, freeboard 2.75 ft a very few tumbleweeds & new perennial bushy/woody weeds showing up, time to call a work party... 2008 oct 1 - sunny calm warm - chris v color dark green, odor low algae-like, no scum, freeboard 2.9 ft grab sample taken about 8 ft from east edge and 6 inches below surface 2008 oct 11 - cloudy windy - chris v color dark green, odor low algae-like, freeboard 2.8 ft 2008 oct 27 - sunny calm warm - chris v color dark brown, odor algae-like, some scum, freeboard 2.9 ft, em 2 gal/week [ top lab notes o&m water ] |
COS Water Meters 2006 water meters columbus east well west well date read by days meter gals gpd meter gals gpd meter gals 2005 dec 28 fn 5378600 2939200 737170 2006 jan 30 fn 33 5559000 180400 5467 2950600 11400 345 737170 0 2006 feb 27 fn 28 5662700 103700 3704 2952700 2100 75 737170 0 2006 mar 30 fn 31 5774600 111900 3610 2961800 9100 294 737170 0 2006 apr 28 fn 29 5907800 133200 4593 2970000 8200 283 2006 may 30 fn 32 6047500 139700 4366 2997000 27000 844 2006 jun 26 fn 27 6187800 140300 5196 3014600 17600 652 2006 jul 30 fn 34 6317300 129500 3809 3031600 17000 500 2006 aug 29 fn 30 6413200 95900 3197 3038100 6500 217 2006 sep 2006 oct 26 fn 58 6557500 144300 2488 3048200 10100 174 2006 nov 24 fn 29 6632000 74500 2569 3051400 3200 110 2006 dec 26 fn 32 6714300 82300 2572 3054700 3300 103 737170 0 2006 total 363 1335700 3680 115500 318 0 2007 water meters columbus east well west well date read by days meter gals gpd meter gals gpd meter gals 2007 jan 27 fn 32 6867200 152900 4778 3056400 1700 53 2007 feb 28 fn 32 6957200 90000 2812 3059700 3300 103 2007 mar 30 fn 30 7074800 117600 3920 3139500 79800 2660 2007 apr 30 fn 31 7172400 97600 3148 3159800 20300 655 2007 may 30 fn 30 7294100 121700 4057 3155800 -4000 -133 (as recorded) 2007 jun 30 fn 31 7421000 126900 4094 3177600 21800 703 2007 jul 30 fn 30 7583800 162800 5427 3186100 8500 283 2007 aug 29 fn 30 7725400 141600 4720 3200200 14100 470 737170 0 2007 sep 28 fn 30 7860600 135200 4507 3210700 10500 350 2007 oct 29 fn 31 8001000 140400 4529 3276300 65600 2116 2007 nov 27 fn 29 8060400 59400 2048 3279600 3300 114 2008 jan 5 fn 39 8157000 96600 2477 3285700 6100 156 2007 total 375 1442700 3847 231000 616 0 2008 water meters columbus east well west well date read by days meter gals gpd meter gals gpd meter gals 2008 jan 26 fn 21 8230700 73700 3510 3318300 32600 1552 2008 feb 27 fn 32 8325300 94600 2956 3347600 29300 916 2008 mar 27 fn 29 8466700 141400 4876 3373300 25700 886 2008 mar 30 cv 3 3375127 1827 609 2008 may 5 fn 36 8586900 120200 3082 3417700 42573 1183 737170 0 2008 may 26 fn 21 8679000 92100 4386 3452700 35000 1667 2008 jun 27 fn 32 8833200 154200 4819 3533100 80400 2513 2008 jul 31 fn 34 8968100 134900 3968 3601100 68000 2000 2008 aug 26 fn 26 9056400 88300 3396 3650400 49300 1896 2008 sep 26 fn 31 9177900 121500 3919 3699000 48600 1568 737170 0 2008 to-date 265 1020900 3852 413300 1560 0 total water meters columbus east well west well 2006-8 1003 3799300 3788 759800 758 0 days gals gpd gals gpd gals (for Columbus water before 2006, see COS Water Bills) [ top lab notes o&m water ] |