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city of the sun wastewater lagoon
    sludge sampling - laguna encantada news - permit reports - water bills

[cos] laguna encantada news

  2007 jun 15  [cos] lagoon work day - jun 16 sat 8-10am
                and preparing activated em for the lagoon

  2007 jul 10  [cos] laguna encantada news

  2007 oct 24  [cos] laguna encantada - gardening work party

  2008 mar 28  [cos] laguna encantada news - work party - re: b.s.

  2008 jun 30  [cos lagoon] re: Lagoon statistics

  2008 sep 3   [cos] laguna encantada news & reports - gardening party sep 6 sat

  2008 oct 8   [cos] laguna encantada - sep 21 meeting notes
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Date: Fri, 15 Jun 2007 09:34:10 -0700 (MST)
From: chris vansprouts <vansprouts at mac dot com>
Subject: [cos] lagoon work day - jun 16 sat 8-10am

a re/minder...  lagoon weeding & cleanup work day, tomorrow
morning 8 to 10 am, saturday, june 16.  bring rakes, gloves,
and yourselves!

we will be just in time for a visit & lagoon site inspection by
naomi davidson from the new mexico environment department, this
wednesday, june 20.  these are -the- people where we get our
5-year lagoon permit, and permission to use bentonite/envirogel/
clay instead of the dreaded plastic lagoon liner.  we're talking
about $60,000 or more here, so let's behave!  (maya has all
the history and details, so please ask her if you need info)

thanks to bob for contributing many hours of weeding earlier
this week.  many hands make light work...

for anyone who's interested, see below for some details on em
and the exact recipe i've been using.

chris vansprouts

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preparing activated em for the cos lagoon & sewage system

both bob and i have been preparing em according to standard
practices as described by professor higa ("an earth saving
revolution", vol 1, p 203), and on the em america website:

here's the em recipe i've been using.  i've shortened the
activation time by "recycling" some of the previous batch
into the next batch, as with sourdough bread.  it works.

lagunaaem1.jpg 20k photomix the following in a 5 gallon bucket:
  2 gallons fresh activated em from previous batch
  8 to 16oz em-1 (dormant non-activated "concentrate")
  8 to 16oz molasses
  8 to 16oz wheat bran
  fill to top with 2+ gallons ro-filtered or distilled water

close lid tightly.  activation time 3 to 14 days, depending on
temperature (104 to 34 f).  86 f or higher kills most of the
undesirable spores & micro-organisms.

how to know it's working?  fermentation produces gas bubbles,
wheat bran flakes turn into fine active yeast sludge,
molasses smell fades, fermenty smell increases...

(note: after all the molasses & bran are eaten by the
micro-organisms, the liquid does turn dark brown and smells
very pungent and ripe.  "kick" is the right word, because at
this point the micro-organisms have run out of food and are
dying, not multiplying.  in my opinion, better to apply the
activated em before it gets too ripe.)

application of activated em to the cos lagoon & sewage system

i've been using solar distilled water as available to produce
2 to 4 gallons per week of activated em, mostly poured into
drains at people's houses and the cos laundry / bath house.

even in winter, the underground sewer pipes stay relatively
warm, enough for the em to continue growing slowly...  em in
drain traps, rv holding tanks, and along the sewer lines
creates a multi-stage septic system, ending with the lagoon.

(note: 1 part of liquid activated em may also be mixed with 10
parts of wheat bran, and fermented further, to produce bokashi.
this was my first recipe for the lagoon and sewer lines, but
requires much more labor & material, and more work & storage
space, and is vulnerable to aerobic decay.  after a couple
months, i simplified to liquid activated em, which is faster,
cheaper, and easier all around.)

cos's maximum sewage rate, on our lagoon permit from the nm
environment dept, is 4000 gallons per day.  according to our
water bills, actual sewage probably averages no more than
2500 gallons per day, maybe half of that.  2500 gal/day is
about 900,000 gallons per year, almost 1 million.

em america's website recommends 5 gallons of em-1 (dormant
non-activated "concentrate", item# 1021-EMWT5Gallon, cost $250)
per 1 million gallons of sewage.  that's about what we need at
cos for 1 to 2 years.

also see...

chris vansprouts

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Date: Tue, 10 Jul 2007 17:55:05 -0700 (MST)
From: chris vansprouts <vansprouts at mac dot com>
Subject: [cos] laguna encantada news

please mark your calendars for these two dates...
(yes, july 11 is tomorrow!  em is fast :)

july 11 wednesday 3 pm at cos community center

  info about em - effective micro-organisms

  eric lancaster, vp of em america, traveling
  from tucson az, will be here at city of the sun
  to answer our questions about em in the lagoon,
  composting, and other applications.

july 14 saturday 8 am - lagoon work party

  outside the lagoon fence we have large heaps of
  dried weeds to be raked into smaller heaps and
  burned safely.  inside the fence are a few woody
  roots to be dug out.

  that's it, for 1-2 hours, please help if you can.

  many thanks for help in june & january to -
    bob, maya, chris, lynn, don, gordon, leigh,
    wes, hazel, johon, sean, jacksun, and two anon.

if anyone has a spare 45-55 gallon -plastic- barrel with a
  good tight lid, i need 1 or 2 of these asap for making
  em, so there will be plenty for the lagoon, everyone's
  drains, gardens, and other community uses.

to help minimize odors from the lagoon, please consult with
  me before sudden dumping of large quantities of sewage,
  or if you have been using formaldehyde or disinfectants
  (in rv holding tanks, for example).  as always, please
  do not put chemicals, non-biodegradables, etc, into our
  sewage system.  thanks.

in case you haven't heard, we passed our two state lagoon
  inspections in june.  we will be renewing our wastewater
  permit for another 5 years with our existing bentonite
  clay lagoon liner.  during the next 5 year permit period,
  we are expected to connect with the columbus village
  wastewater system as they extend northwards and beyond
  cos.  (either that, or buy a new liner, i guess)
lagunathumb.gif 3k
  photos of the june 19 lagoon sludge party may be seen at

contact people for the cos lagoon:
  chris <vansprouts at mac dot com>
  maya <maya dot nolastname at gmail dot com>
  bob <lifewithbob101 at yahoo dot com>

contact people for em & info:
  shu & dwayne <livfoods at yahoo dot com>
  eric lancaster <eric dot lancaster at emamerica dot com>

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Date: Wed, 24 Oct 2007 18:35:48 -0700 (MST)
From: chris vansprouts <vansprouts at mac dot com>
Subject: [cos] laguna encantada - gardening work party

lagoon gardening work party & discussion

october 27 saturday 9:00 am mdt

please bring rakes, and wear heavy gloves and work clothes.
for an hour or so, we'll be pulling up big ripe tumbleweeds
from around the lagoon and throwing them outside the fence
for burning later.

afterwards, we'll see what remains, hopefully a diversity of
shallow-rooted indiginous desert weeds, which should be good
for natural erosion control of the banks.  at this time we
can also brainstorm and discuss other possible vegetation
and methods to control erosion, and crowd out tumbleweeds!
native grasses and iceplant have been suggested so far.

p.s. full moon thursday night at 10:52 pm mdt

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Date: Fri, 28 Mar 2008 12:57:40 -0700 (MST)
From: chris vansprouts <vansprouts at mac dot com>
Subject: [cos] laguna encantada news - work party - re: b.s.

march 30 sunday 9:00 am mdt - lagoon work party

this time, we have a few more woody rooted things to
dig up, and gaps under the fence to fill in.  we'll
need some heavy digging tools, like picks & shovels,
if you can bring them.

thanks to adelaide, sheila, dewey, david, roberto,
and chris for working in october and/or november.  
we finally got out all those blatantly illegal

annual vs perennial seems important - there were many
perennial weeds with woody roots, of various ages and
sizes, seriously not good (ie, illegal), growing in
the banks of our enchanted lagoon...

i know people at cos -do- care about the lagoon.  most
of the rv's here now use em in their holding tanks, and
there has been no toxic dumping since the incident last
october, thank you everyone.

we've been getting very good results in rv holding tanks
by adding a gallon of em, allowing a couple weeks for
fermentation etc, and dumping 1/4 or 1/3 of the tank
each time, instead of all at once.  this em is free for
use within the community, just bring over a gallon jug
or 5-gallon bucket and i'll give you some.

also, addition to the lagoon of up to 4-8 gallons of em
per week during the summer has significantly reduced our
famous summer lagoon odor problem, and this will continue
to improve.

btw, our lagoon is not delicate or fragile - it's alive.
which means it's re-generative and self-maintaining,
like any other living creature - if it's in a supportive
environment.  the less everyday toxins we put into it,
the less load & expense to maintain a healthy micro-

the hardest part of this job (and other jobs here) is
dealing with the sneaky, or outrageous, lies slander
gossip rumors envy hate fear ignorance stupidity, and
the arrogance to justify it...

this is the -really- smelly slimy toxic shit.  just look
around... this is why we, as a community, are in poverty.

you know who you are.  why do you go on & on & on about my
"experiments"?  can't you find something more interesting
to do than bug me?  go watch tv or something?

my "ill-fated" experiments with em were concluded by april
2007.  since then, my production process has been consistent,
reliable, viable, efficient, and effective for the lagoon and
agricultural uses.  that's what experiments are for.

about all those "extra" gallons of activated em - we have
many satisfied em users here.  it's good in rv holding tanks,
compost & gardens, even in laundry.  eventually all of this
em goes into improving our lagoon and the land at cos.
the more the merrier, says mother nature.

this was all explained here, almost a year ago  ->

and of the 1 gallon of dormant em-1 "concentrate" ($50)
we started in july 2007, there's about half remaining.
which easily comes to less than $50 per year.

a note about "someone's" "lagoon emergency" last october...

the biochemistry of our lagoon is well within a normal
operating range, and has been without exception since
i accepted responsibility as our lagoon person.

the famous 2007 october grab-sample was taken under
momentarily very gross conditions (large toxic rv dump
the day before), and from a different location in the
pond than all other samples during the previous 3 years.
even so, analysis for this sample was well within a
normal operating range for our lagoon. (otherwise we
would've heard about it from nm env in santa fe.)

for reference, our friends at the new mexico rural
water association (nmrwa) have kindly given us a copy
of "Operations Manual: Stabilization Ponds" (that's
our lagoon) published by the us environmental
protection agency (that's the epa).

according to info about testing procedures in chapter 2,
even under the best and most consistent of conditions,
twice-a-year grab-samples can give only a rough indication
of lagoon functioning.

other testing methods, much more frequent and detailed
(and highly expensive), would be needed to come to such
definite conclusions as some of our members seem to have
reached by other means.

my dear fellow cos members, i can't promise to give much
more attention after this to the boy who cried "vinegar",
but if you have any questions or concerns about the lagoon
or em, please contact me personally by email, or come over
and talk, and get a bottle of activated em.

submitted with all due respect,

chris vansprouts <vansprouts at mac dot com>
lagoon maintenance co-ordinator
city of the sun foundation

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Date: Mon, 30 Jun 2008 13:15:28 -0700 (MST)
From: chris vansprouts <vansprouts at mac dot com>
Subject: [cos lagoon] re: Lagoon statistics

thanks for your feedback, july.

i'm sorry if you or anyone else had a problem understanding
these graphs of our lagoon test results:

i've tried to make it as easy as possible for -anyone-
to understand these data, and this is about the simplest
way that i know of.  i'm sure the NM Environment Dept is
perfectly able to understand everything in these reports.

also please note, these are "data", not "statistics",
since we have only 10 samples during a 5-year period
of highly and randomly variable conditions...

from what -anyone- could determine from this tiny amount
of data, our lagoon is doing very well, and it has been
within normal and acceptable operating conditions during
the past 5 years.  (it doesn't even smell so bad any more :)

yes, interpretation of lab tests is highly technical,
ultimately for NM Env to decide, not for mere mortals.
that's why this webpage is titled "Discharge Permit
Reports & Data for New Mexico Environment Dept" -
i'm just a messenger.

news & non-technical information for us mere mortals
is available in the [cos] laguna encantada news, emailed
about 4 times a year.  to receive the newsletters directly,
just send me your email address.  past issues are archived
here, and make great bathroom reading...

again, i will be happy to answer any further questions
about this from anyone, as best i can, at our next board
meeting this sunday july 6.

chris vansprouts
lagoon maintenance co-ordinator
city of the sun foundation

Date: Thu, 26 Jun 2008 16:32:05 -0700 (MST)
From: chris vansprouts <vansprouts at mac dot com>
Subject: [cos lagoon] re: Lagoon results

this is my ongoing official technical report on the operations
and condition of the cos lagoon.  this report is intended to
be complete, accurate, and truthful for legal and scientific

if anyone is aware of any omissions, errors, or lies in this
report, i would greatly appreciate being informed directly,
immediately, and respectfully, so that i may correct it.

thank you very much,

chris vansprouts
lagoon maintenance co-ordinator
city of the sun foundation

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Date: Wed, 03 Sep 2008 16:45:12 -0700 (MST)
From: chris vansprouts <vansprouts at mac dot com>
Subject: [cos] laguna encantada news & reports - gardening party sep 6 sat

it's time for another lagoon gardening party!
september 6 saturday 9-10am mdt, rain or shine...

our enchanted wastewater lagoon is lovely this summer, and the
gardening is getting much easier each time... after a couple
months of gentle rain here, we have a nice carpet of annual
indigenous weeds covering the banks.  these are modest and well-
behaved (unlike tumbleweeds!), self-seeding and drought tolerant,
and will help prevent erosion.  there are even a few patches of
various native wild grasses starting to spread.

with continued selective weeding, we can encourage beneficial
(& legal) vegetation, and discourage the rest.  surprisingly,
there are only a few rare patches of tumbleweeds, and a few
perennial bushy weeds from last time that need to be pulled.

please bring a sun hat and gloves, and a trowel or something
for digging small weeds.  if you don't feel like working,
just come and take a look!  (i'll put up more photos too...)
nature is amazing!

if you haven't seen the official report i've put together for
the New Mexico Environment Department this year, it's here:

not for light reading, this report is intended to be complete,
accurate, and truthful for legal and scientific purposes.

again, if anyone is aware of any omissions, errors, or lies in
this report, i would greatly appreciate being informed directly,
immediately, and respectfully, so that i may correct it.

i've gotten rude and nonsensical criticism from a few members
who haven't bothered even to look at this report, which has been
on the web, noted in these newsletters, and posted in the community
center for months.  to these careless critics, would you please
look before you leap, everyone thanks you.

i've also given a lagoon update at every board and membership
meeting for months (even meetings short of a quorum) to keep
us current on the progress of our 5-year permit renewal.

for cos members only, i've also compiled an archive of email
correspondence concerning work on the lagoon since 2007 june,
including every email between NM Env and myself.

most of these emails were also cc-d to the cos office email,
but i guess since there's so much spam from our own members,
it's getting harder to find anything important in there anymore :)

a few notes on our lagoon permit renewal
(please see the work email archive for details)

according to NM Env requirements, our lagoon must have a maximum
capacity sufficient for the largest possible population here at
any moment.  our controversial past water bills and meter readings
are a clue, but the deciding factor is the dreaded "bedroom count",
which indicates a much higher maximum possible load on the lagoon
(whether or not those bedrooms are occupied).

our first permit, issued in 1986 for a 15-unit trailer park, gave
us permission to discharge up to 4000 gallons of wastewater per
day.  our renewed and updated permit will give us an absolute
maximum of 6000 gals/day for the next 5 years, and we also need
to prove that our 35+ year-old bentonite clay liner is intact
and not leaking wastewater into the ground water...

i believe that our ancient clay liner -could- be in perfectly
good condition because our lagoon is currently a very much alive
bio-organic environment, which seems to be self-maintaining, and
could be micro-biologically self-sealing like a natural pond.

on the other hand, a bio-inert vat of toxic chemicals mixed with
a few desperate bacteria might need a plastic liner.

pond or vat?  this can be -our- choice, if we in this community
can quit a bad habit of bickering and chewing up the furniture.

the most positive proof of an intact liner would be a monitoring
well that normally fills with ground water, so the water can be
tested to show there's no contamination from the lagoon above it.

"historically" our monitoring well has been too dry to sample,
which doesn't prove anything to anybody.  so far, NM Env has been
letting this go, but now they're investigating many dry monitoring
wells all around new mexico, not only ours...  they could easily
require us to drill another monitoring well, -or- have mercy and
continue to let it go, their choice.  (our dry 200-foot monitoring
well was built in 2003 for about $13,000)

it -is- required in our permit that we have a certified wastewater
technician operate the lagoon, and also take monthly measurements
and samples 4 times a year from the lagoon and monitoring well.

both susan maupin, our advisor from NMRWA, and naomi davidson,
our lagoon boss at NM Env, have suggested that i should get this
certification, which is ok with me if the community will cover my
tuition and expenses, probably around $200, the same cost as two
visits by our certified technician from deming.  my current status
with NM Env is "operator in training" pending certification.

if our careless resident hypercritics don't buzz off, i'll also
want my stipend increased to whatever the treasurer is getting...
and be sure to vote in october for what -you- want! :)

btw, naomi said very clearly last summer, and again this summer,
that NM Env does -not- have any specific agreement, arrangement,
or requirement with us to use EM (Effective Micro-organisms) in
any particular amounts, or at all.  whatever works, and it's
working.  they are tired of hearing about it, and so are we.
end of topic.

we are now in the Public Notice period for our permit renewal.
this began july 17 when all our paperwork was "administratively
complete", and normally goes for one month after we've completed
notifying all our neighbors (which isn't quite done yet).

if there are any complaints from our neighbors, the Public Notice
period may be extended for public meetings and discussion as needed.

for this renewal, our most tedious task may be mailing public notice
flyers to every property owner within 1/3 mile of our wastewater
treatment facility, which some members have guesstimated at hundreds.
if you hear any complaints from our Foundation Secretary, this might
be the reason.

it may seem a bit boggling to many here, but it is a fact that
our neighborhood has grown in population and density, and we have
many more close neighbors than we did 20 or 30 years ago!  and it
seems we need a little catching up to find out who they are.

again, i'm just a messenger.  NM Environment Department rules,
and they know the whole territory very well.  my advice for our
community is to be very polite, simply do whatever they say, and
get those hundreds of flyers mailed asap.

this is the easiest & cheapest way through this renewal, and any
grownup in the real world will tell you it's really not a big deal.
after that's done, we'll have the next five years to figure out
something better (if we can remember to put it on the agenda).

-most- fortunately for us and our neighbors, our lagoon no longer
exudes the overwhelmingly disgusting smell for which we were famous
only a couple of years ago...

hope to see you at the gardening party this saturday!

chris vansprouts
lagoon maintenance co-ordinator
city of the sun foundation

"...we are not making ice cream here..."
from Chapter 5 Wastewater Treatment Ponds,
Wastewater Systems Operator Certification Study Manual
(New Mexico Environment Department, 2005)

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Date: Wed, 08 Oct 2008 16:34:05 -0700 (MST)
From: chris vansprouts <vansprouts at mac dot com>
Subject: [cos] laguna encantada - sep 21 meeting notes

dear cos members,

i'm happy to report that the lagoon/sewage discussion meeting
on sunday september 21 was peaceful, rational, and informative!

for the full 90 minutes of audio, please go to:

also here are a few more notes of mine, in addition to dewey's
which are printed & posted in the community center.

we still need further info on some details, but the following
points of general consensus in our discussion seem important:

1  for the long-term, it seems well beyond our community's
financial means and social responsibility to maintain and
operate our own sewage lagoon,

2  for the long-term, we have legal options for composting toilets
etc, also at large bureaucratic expense (both inner and outer),

3  it may be possible, without political issues, to connect with
the columbus sewage system as a simple business entity, as we do
now with our water supply from columbus,

4  it may be possible to connect with columbus without installing
our own sewage lift station ($10k's?), if columbus must install
their own lift station(s) anyway for their customers north of us,

5  if we don't connect with columbus within the next 5-year permit
period, we -will- be required by NM Env to completely overhaul
and/or replace our lagoon ($100k's?).  as reported last summer in
the 2007 july 10 laguna encantada news:

> in case you haven't heard, we passed our two state lagoon
> inspections in june.  we will be renewing our wastewater
> permit for another 5 years with our existing bentonite
> clay lagoon liner.  during the next 5 year permit period,
> we are expected to connect with the columbus village
> wastewater system as they extend northwards and beyond
> cos.  (either that, or buy a new liner, i guess)

6  switching from our lagoon to the columbus sewage system won't
happen immediately and may take years, so we need to continue
our lagoon business as usual until the connection with columbus
is complete.  (also see 2008 sep 3 laguna encantada news)


chris vansprouts
cos lagoon maintenance co-ordinator

other references...

lagoon work email archive:

audio archive of the sep & oct board meetings & others:

NM Env Discharge Permit 431 draft, July 17 2008:

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copyright (c)2007-8 vansprouts, updated 08/10/08