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city of the sun wastewater lagoon sludge sampling - laguna encantada news - permit reports - water bills current - archive 2008/06 2008/05 Discharge Permit Reports & Data for New Mexico Environment Dept Analytical Lab Reports Lagoon O & M Reports COS Water Meters [ top lab notes o&m water ] |
COS Lagoon Analytical Lab Reports Lab Test (method id) typical results for domestic ww (method detection limit) Sample date/time (local 24h) 2003 Nov 2004 Apr 2004 Oct 2005 Apr 2005 Oct 2006 Apr 2006 Oct 2007 Apr 2007 Oct 2008 Apr 2008 Jun 19 13:15 8 10:00 19 08:00 - 10 09:00 5 09:30 4 12:30 12 09:00 9 09:05 14 10:00 5 10:00 Lagoon pond (grab sample) Nitrate/Nitrite as N (353.2) typical 0-1 mg/L (MDL 0.02 mg/L) 0 0.07 0 - 0.21 0.21 0.14 0.05 0.07 0.05 0.35 mg/L Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen TKN (351.2) typical 10-30 mg/L (MDL 0.3 mg/L) 59.2 16.3 11.5 - 60.1 36.5 43.9 23.1 57.3 32.1 57.5 mg/L Total Dissolved Solids TDS (SM 2540C) typical 800-1000 mg/L (MDL 27 mg/L) 4101 2494 3651 - 4670 3037 2174 1974 4088 - 5742 mg/L Chloride (4500-Cl_D) typical ? (MDL 0.5 mg/L) 524.6 292.6 416.7 - 541.0 324.4 271.7 196.7 439.5 - 678.6 mg/L Total Phosphorus (EPA 200.7) typical 1-2 mg/L (MDL 0.05 mg/L) - - - - - - - - - 9.49 mg/L (see notes) Ammonium as N (350.1) typical ? (MDL 0.04 mg/L) - - - - - - - - - 3.82 mg/L |
COS Lagoon Operations & Maintenance date - weather - operator color (dark / pea green, brown, grey, other) odor (algae-like, earthy, septic, none, other) freeboard (of 5 feet maximum pond depth), em (microbial culture) comments (scum debris sludge foam algae pond-veg woody-shrubs weeds insects burrowing erosion seepage shorting fence signs monitor-well) 2007 jan 28 - sunny - chris v color dark green, odor medium algae-like, freeboard 2 ft, em 1-2 gal/week work party cleaned up weeds, raked out debris, scum, underwater dead weeds 2007 may 15 - sunny windy - chris v color dark green, odor low algae-like, freeboard 3 ft, em 2 gal/week woody shrubs & weeds, burrowing, erosion, fence needs minor repairs raked out debris & some weeds 2007 jun 16 - sunny clear hot - chris v color dark green, odor low algae-like, freeboard 3 ft, em 2 gal/week work party cleaned up woody shrubs & weeds, minor fence repairs signs of burrowing animals 2007 jul 14 - sunny hot - chris v color dark green, odor low algae-like, freeboard 3 ft, em 2 gal/week raked out debris, excessive algae - applied max em (4 gal/week) ok work party repaired some fence posts, filled holes under fence woody shrubs & weeds, burrowing, erosion - another work party needed... 2007 aug 18 - sunny windy - chris v color pea green, odor low algae-like, freeboard 3 ft, em 2 gal/week raked out & agitated scum & debris excessive algae - increased em to 4 gal/week ok woody shrubs & weeds, burrowing, erosion - work party needed... 2007 sep 16 - sunny calm - chris v color medium green, odor low algae-like, freeboard 3 ft, em 2 gal/week ok woody shrubs & weeds, burrowing, erosion - work party needed... 2007 oct 20 - sunny windy - chris v color dark green, odor medium algae-like, freeboard 3 ft, em 1-2 gal/week scum, debris & floating sludge from large rv dump - raked & shredded, em 4 gal/week woody shrubs & weeds, burrowing, erosion - work party scheduled... 2007 oct 27 - sunny windy - chris v color dark green, odor low algae-like, freeboard 3 ft, em 2 gal/week work party cleaned up weeds & some woody shrubs, filled holes under fence dogs digging under fence - needs major improvement, proposal to board... long-term berm erosion - plan to plant native grasses, proposal to board... 2007 dec 2 - sunny windy cold - chris v color dark green, no odor, freeboard 2.5 ft, em 2 gal/week raked out some debris 2008 jan 6 - sunny windy cold - chris v color dark green, no scum no odor, freeboard 2.5 ft, em 2 gal/week 2007 feb 16 - sunny cold - chris v color dark green, no odor, freeboard 2 ft, em 2 gal/week raked out some debris 2008 mar 21 - sunny windy cold - chris v color dark green, no scum no odor, freeboard 2 ft, em 2 gal/week 2008 mar 30 - sunny windy warmer - chris v color light brown, odor very low earthy, freeboard 2.5 ft, em 4 gal/week someone dumping extra 1-2000 gals per day? - got sample, checked well meter... raked out debris, work party finished cleaning up weeds & woody shrubs 2008 apr 14 - sunny windy warmer - chris v color light brown, odor very low algae-like, freeboard 2.5 ft, em 4 gal/week ok (archy said seasonal temp change is causing normal vertical circulation in pond) (after 2 weeks, brown sample in airtight glass jar turned into green slime, ok) 2008 may 17 - sunny/cloudy windy humid - chris v color medium green, odor low algae-like, freeboard 3 ft, em 2 gal/week dogs digging under fence - needs major improvement, proposal to board... long-term berm erosion - plan to plant native grasses, proposal to board... 2008 jun 5 - sunny windy - chris v color medium green, odor low algae-like, freeboard 3.5 ft, em 2 gal/week grab sample taken about 8 ft from east edge and 6 inches below surface [ top lab notes o&m water ] |
COS Water Meters |