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city of the sun wastewater lagoon sludge sampling - laguna encantada news - permit reports - water bills current - archive 2008/06 2008/05 Discharge Permit Reports & Data for New Mexico Environment Dept Analytical Lab Reports Lagoon O & M Reports COS Water Meters [ top lab notes o&m water ] |
COS Lagoon Analytical Lab Reports Test (method id) typical results for domestic ww (method detection limit) 2005-oct 2006-apr 2006-oct 2007-apr 2007-oct 2008-apr Nitrate/Nitrite as N (353.2) typical 0-1 mg/L (MDL 0.02-0.03 mg/L) 0.21 0.21 0.14 0.05 0.07 0.05 mg/L Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen TKN (351.2) typical 10-30 mg/L (MDL 0.1-0.5 mg/L) 60.1 36.5 43.9 23.1 57.3 32.1 mg/L Total Dissolved Solids TDS (SM 2540C) typical 800-1000 mg/L (MDL 18-27 mg/L) 4670 3037 2174 1974 4088 mg/L - Chloride (4500-Cl_D) typical ? mg/L (MDL 1.7 mg/L) 541.0 324.4 271.7 196.7 439.5 mg/L - Total Phosphorus (EPA 200.7) typical 1-2 mg/L (MDL 0.05 mg/L) (see notes) - - - - - 9.49 mg/L Ammonium as N (350.1) typical ? mg/L (MDL 0.04 mg/L) (see notes) - - - - - 3.82 mg/L Monitor Well (archy) should always be dry? dry dry dry (see notes) dry Test 2005-oct 2006-apr 2006-oct 2007-apr 2007-oct 2008-apr [ top lab notes o&m water ] Notes: Twice-yearly lagoon pond grab samples and monitor well inspection by Archy Heddlesten, analytical testing by NMSU Soil Water Agricultural Testing Lab. 2005-oct thru 2007-apr test results from Maya, 2007 May 20. All of this data has been summarized here at the request of the COS membership, excerpted from NMSU SWAT Lab reports without their permission or verification. Please see the original reports for full details and conditions. The COS lagoon is a totally contained facultative pond with no effluent, and is not a typical domestic wastewater system. "Typical" test results are quoted here for reference, from NM Env's 2005 Wastewater Systems Operator Certification Study Manual, Chapter 1 (327k pdf). 2006-oct test results - Bob quit sometime during the summer, Chris started applying activated EM again in the fall (1-2 gals/week). 2007 June 19 - Susan Maupin from NMRWA sampled sludge for our permit renewal. According to her report, the sludge was 4-6 inches deep, black grainy sticky, no odor, indicating good digestion. (also see photos) 2007 June 20 - Naomi Davidson & Cathy Deal from NM Env checked the monitor well. It's 206 feet deep, with 10(?) feet of water (Archy said it's probably from the heavy monsoons, and that all of his regular bi-annual tests have been dry). 2007-oct test results - Grab sample from a different location in the pond than usual, immediately after a large and toxic RV-tank dump by a visitor. 2008-apr test results - Some wrong tests requested from NMSU SWAT Lab - Ammonia & Phosphorus instead of the usual TDS & Chloride. (Despite this mixup, i'm curious how our phosphorus levels compare with "typical" wastewater, and would also like to see an analysis for flourides and heavy metals, which are abundant in the local ground water. Since our lagoon is totally contained, i'm surprised anything could be alive in there after 35+ years of evaporative concentration, but we've got plenty of benign micro-organisms, migratory birds, and even a couple of turtles happily splashing about! I guess nature is pretty tough :) [ top lab notes o&m water ] |
COS Lagoon Operations & Maintenance date - weather - operator color (dark / pea green, brown, grey, other) odor (algae-like, earthy, septic, none, other) freeboard (of 5 feet maximum pond depth), em (microbial culture) comments (scum debris sludge foam algae pond-veg woody-shrubs weeds insects burrowing erosion seepage shorting fence signs monitor-well) 2007 jan 28 - sunny - chris v color dark green, odor medium algae-like, freeboard 2 ft, em 1-2 gal/week work party cleaned up weeds, raked out debris, scum, underwater dead weeds 2007 may 15 - sunny windy - chris v color dark green, odor low algae-like, freeboard 3 ft, em 2 gal/week woody shrubs & weeds, burrowing, erosion, fence needs minor repairs raked out debris & some weeds 2007 jun 16 - sunny clear hot - chris v color dark green, odor low algae-like, freeboard 3 ft, em 2 gal/week work party cleaned up woody shrubs & weeds, minor fence repairs signs of burrowing animals 2007 jul 14 - sunny hot - chris v color dark green, odor low algae-like, freeboard 3 ft, em 2 gal/week raked out debris, excessive algae - applied max em (4 gal/week) ok work party repaired some fence posts, filled holes under fence woody shrubs & weeds, burrowing, erosion - another work party needed... 2007 aug 18 - sunny windy - chris v color pea green, odor low algae-like, freeboard 3 ft, em 2 gal/week raked out & agitated scum & debris excessive algae - increased em to 4 gal/week ok woody shrubs & weeds, burrowing, erosion - work party needed... 2007 sep 16 - sunny calm - chris v color medium green, odor low algae-like, freeboard 3 ft, em 2 gal/week ok woody shrubs & weeds, burrowing, erosion - work party needed... 2007 oct 20 - sunny windy - chris v color dark green, odor medium algae-like, freeboard 3 ft, em 1-2 gal/week scum, debris & floating sludge from large rv dump - raked & shredded, em 4 gal/week woody shrubs & weeds, burrowing, erosion - work party scheduled... 2007 oct 27 - sunny windy - chris v color dark green, odor low algae-like, freeboard 3 ft, em 2 gal/week work party cleaned up weeds & some woody shrubs, filled holes under fence dogs digging under fence - needs major improvement, proposal to board... long-term berm erosion - plan to plant native grasses, proposal to board... 2007 dec 2 - sunny windy cold - chris v color dark green, no odor, freeboard 2.5 ft, em 2 gal/week raked out some debris 2008 jan 6 - sunny windy cold - chris v color dark green, no scum no odor, freeboard 2.5 ft, em 2 gal/week 2007 feb 16 - sunny cold - chris v color dark green, no odor, freeboard 2 ft, em 2 gal/week raked out some debris 2008 mar 21 - sunny windy cold - chris v color dark green, no scum no odor, freeboard 2 ft, em 2 gal/week 2008 mar 30 - sunny windy warmer - chris v color light brown, odor very low earthy, freeboard 2.5 ft, em 4 gal/week someone dumping extra 1-2000 gals per day? - got sample, checked well meter... raked out debris, work party finished cleaning up weeds & woody shrubs 2008 apr 14 - sunny windy warmer - chris v color light brown, odor very low algae-like, freeboard 2.5 ft, em 4 gal/week ok (archy said seasonal temp change is causing normal vertical circulation in pond) (after 2 weeks, brown sample in airtight glass jar turned into green slime, ok) 2008 may 17 - sunny/cloudy windy humid - chris v color medium green, odor low algae-like, freeboard 3 ft, em 2 gal/week dogs digging under fence - needs major improvement, proposal to board... long-term berm erosion - plan to plant native grasses, proposal to board... [ top lab notes o&m water ] |
COS Water Meters |