duel timer is a dual kitchen timer for having an argument with someone.
let's both people see who's talking the most, with overtime reminders
about arguing all day with someone who always talks and never listens ;-)
how to use
click either timer or hit spacebar to pass the talking stick
click anywhere else or hit tab for nobody (same as pause)
turn counters - time remaining in this turn
total counters - accumulated total time
duel counters - time remaining in duel
!beep popup - select overtime alarm
(for notification, duel timer
must be the front hypercard stack, or consensus timers must be running)
turn popup - select max time for turns
total popup - command menu
switch - to other person, same as spacebar or clicking timer
pause - same as tab or clicking not on a timer
undo - oops (undo's last diff or reset)
diff - zero smaller timer, leave diff on other
reset - zero both timers
duel popup - select total time for duel (each person gets half)
?who help menu
presets - combinations of duel, turn, & beep options
names - set timer names
about - hi there!
click hypertext to jump around this text, click whitespace returns to
drag this text up/down directly with the mouse
(velocity scrolling(tm) -
uif of the future - pay attention everyone!)