"blue bees" is a multi-purpose sound piece, depending on your listening volume and eq-filters. possible music genres - art, alternative, blues, easy listening, electronic, industrial, meditative, new age, religious, soundtrack, techno, trance :)
it's only 2 minutes 40 secs, but good for looping... at low volume it may help detoxify humming computers, fans, refrigerators, cars, street noise etc. or play / remix as a harmonic drone for jamming, improv, busy-ness, relaxation or meditation...
"blue bees" is a short attempt to capture the ambience of a many-hours-of-fun jam session, playing live and improvising with some of the digital instruments & filters in apple garageband.
here's an outline of the audio signal path for this piece,
- 3 parallel tracks of triangle-ramp-wave generators (aka "strings")
- played as midi-notes thru digital filters & phasers (the bees)
- in a long echo delay-line with regenerative feedback (the beehive)
- final output mix and eq
copyright (c) 2018 vansprouts.metasofa.org, all rights reserved. made with garageband, thanks apple!
creative commons (cc) by-nc-nd - attribution "vansprouts.metasofa.org/blue-bees" - only non-commercial use & distribution - no derivatives, translations, conversions, or modifications.
the "blue bees" sound files may be freely included in other non-commercial works or performances as musical instrument samples (for example by looping, mixing etc), but with no modification to the original audio data or this license.