Ongoing - Online Orientation Meetings & Software Tutorials
These are regular small online meetings, focusing on how to actually do timebanking and how to use the timebank website.
2021 Sep 13, Monday afternoon 2 to 3:30 pm MST/PDT (utc-7) - Orientation meeting & software tutorial -, the passcode is 321 (see below for zoom help)
2021 Oct 11, Monday afternoon 2 to 3:30 pm MST/PDT (utc-7) - Orientation meeting & software tutorial -, the passcode is 321
2021 Nov 15, Monday afternoon 2 to 3:30 pm MST (utc-7) - Orientation meeting & software tutorial -, the passcode is 321
All confirmed meeting dates & zoom-links are listed here in Meetings & Events on the timebank website, or you can subscribe to the Tucson Timebank iCalendar
Please see the meeting scheduler and help choose days & times, thanks!
2021 Sep - Tucson Timebank "Equal-Hours Equinox" Zoom Potluck
When - one day Sep 22 to 30 for about 2 hours, date & time to be determined - Everyone is invited to help plan these events, please see the meeting scheduler
Where - Two online meeting rooms with Zoom, at the same time...
> Potluck room - Timebank community meeting & virtual potluck, presentation and open discussion about timebanking and what all is going on in the world. Everyone is welcome, bring good food and good friends...
> Tutorial room - Timebank orientation & software questions, focusing on how to actually do timebanking and how to use the timebank website. New timebank members should try to sign up well before the meeting if possible.
Click the zoom-links above to go to each room, the passcode for both meetings is 321. During the meeting, people may move freely between the two rooms as they like, or be in both rooms at once on two devices. (see zoom help below)
If you can't make it this time, please see the meeting scheduler and help plan future online potlucks, and help choose days for small orientation meetings & software tutorials, thanks!
( the exact equinox is Sep 22 Wed 12:21 pm mst )
2021 Nov - Tucson Timetraders 10th Birthday / Thanksgiving Zoom Potluck
When - one day Nov 22 to 28 for about 2 hours, date & time to be determined - Everyone is invited to help plan these events, please see the meeting scheduler
All confirmed meeting dates & zoom-links are listed here in Meetings & Events on the timebank website, or you can subscribe to the Tucson Timebank iCalendar
Birthday note - our founding group met in a timebanking workshop Jan 6, 2011 and our first public orientation potluck was Nov 22, 2011
2022 March - Tucson Timebank "Equal-Hours Equinox" Zoom Potluck
When - one day March 20 to 26 for about 2 hours, date & time to be determined - Everyone is invited to help plan these events, please see the meeting scheduler
All confirmed meeting dates & zoom-links are listed here in Meetings & Events on the timebank website, or you can subscribe to the Tucson Timebank iCalendar
( the exact equinox is March 20 Sun 8:33 am mst )
How to join the Zoom meeting room(s)
Click this zoom-link to join the timebank meeting - - and type in the passcode 321
If it's your first time using Zoom, when you click the link, the Zoom app will download & install (with your permission) before proceeding to the meeting. (btw, all this is free, you don't even need a free zoom account)
If there's more than one meeting room, you can switch to another room by clicking it's zoom-link. Or use different computers / devices to stay in each meeting room (please mute your mics and turn down sound for all but one meeting).
For these meetings, there is no phone dial-in, only direct internet. It's ok to turn off your video or switch to "safe driving mode", which might improve audio quality too. Please mute your mic when not talking.
If we've never met, please RSVP or sign up well ahead of the meeting, so we'll know it's you, thanks!
Hi everyone! It's been pretty quiet here, but Tucson Timetraders is alive and well. Whenever there are timebank meetings and events we'll list them here, and there's a webpage of the latest email reminder. There's also an iCalendar - click to download or subscribe with your iCalendar software.
Do you have a project or group of friends ready to start timebanking? Next step is for each person to sign up and we'll get you going ASAP.
Any questions? Your friendly timebank coordinators are often online to answer questions and help members with the website. You can email, or chat with us on the community blog (log in below), or come to a meeting or event.
For lots of great information about timebanking from around the world, check out the Knit-a-Network Timebank Knowledge Commons and Links & Resources below.
Across the US and around the world, Timebanking has proven to be of benefit in a multitude of diverse applications, especially at a grassroots level - person-to-person and neighbor-to-neighbor services, social services and support resources, neighborhood infrastructure, cooperatives and local businesses - thereby strengthening local communities and economies.
Timebanking is about acknowledging and crediting the invisible / core economy, building community, including older, younger, and disabled folks, and providing an economic buffer for mainstream working folks during recession. Timebanking is something everyone can do right now to strengthen your local community and economy.
Timebanking is a good way for us to notice and appreciate the everyday assistance we give each other and often take for granted - rides, errands, childcare, eldercare, cooking, cleaning, fixing, mending, advice, tutoring, coaching, listening... with our families, friends, neighbors and co-workers. This type of work is actually the "core economy" - often invisible, but an essential part of the whole economy - nothing could happen without it! Please join us in re-defining work and appreciating the true foundation of our wealth.
A Timebank is a group of people who trade an hour of work for an hour of work. Everyone's time is valued equally, and hours are recorded in the timebank software so we can trade them around the timebank community. Timebanking is a great way for people to exchange assistance and help build healthy communities. (also see Notes above, and More About Timebanking 2019)
We are all assets – Every human being has something to contribute.
Redefining work – Some work is beyond price. We need to value whatever it takes to raise healthy children, build strong families, revitalize neighborhoods, make democracy work, advance social justice, make the planet sustainable. This kind of work needs to be honored, recorded, and rewarded.
Reciprocity – Helping works better as a two-way street. "How can I help you?" becomes "How can we help each other build the world we both will live in?"
Community – We need each other... people helping each other reweave networks of support, strength and trust. Communities are stronger than individuals, and community is built on mutual respect, trust, and commitment.
Respect – Every human being matters. Respect is a foundation for freedom of speech and freedom of religion, and supplies the heart and soul of democracy.
Membership in our timebank is free, and open to everyone. Currently we have about 250 members, among the most open-minded & forward-thinking people and organizations in Tucson.
Our website is a live-online member-based community directory for finding people, services offered and wanted, and other resources. It's securely accessible on all desktop and laptop computers, tablets and smartphones. See the word cloud below to get an idea of what we're trading & sharing.
Members can log in below. If you're not already a member, you can sign up on the form below, and come to an orientation meeting.
Always feel free to contact us with any questions. For general information & videos about timebanking, see links & resources below.
questions? lost password? contact us
Email (at) -or-
Send a web message directly to -or-
Chat with us on the community blog (log in above) -or-
Come to a meeting or event (see calendar above) -or-
Sign up (on the form above) which also emails us
Your friendly timebank coordinators are often online to answer questions and help members with the website. You can send email or chat with us on the community blog. We're also offering regular online tutorial meetings for orientation and how to use the timebank website, please see the calendar above.
If you have a project or group of friends ready to start timebanking, the next step is for each person to sign up, and we'll get you going ASAP (it also emails us when you sign up)
The website is always available for timebank members 24/7 from anywhere on the internet. You can log in above. (not already a member? sign up on the form above)
Secure login is now required for all members, not just coordinators. When you first log in, it's normal and good for your browser to give a security warning because our security certificate is "self-signed". No worries, that's OK for this website, just go forward! Not sure this is the real website? Please contact us and make sure! For more info and best security setup, see Metasofa Certificate Authority.
Also see Links & Resources below for general information & videos on timebanking.
PBS Newshour - Help Stretch Dollars in Recession (tb-kc)
(7-minute video, mp3, & transcript, Portland Maine, Nov 2010)
ABC News Good Morning America - Pay It Forward
(3-minute youtube, New York, March 2009)
Echo Park Time Bank - Members Tell Their Stories
(5-minute youtube, Los Angeles, Jan 2010)
Lathrup Village Time Bank - Discover Timebanking
(4-minute youtube, Michigan, April 2010)
Bernard Lietaer on creating a balanced view
(3-minute video, Nov 2012, from the Money & Life movie)
Edgar Cahn, founder of Time Banking (tb-kc)
(6-minute youtube, The Jon Snow Interviews, UK, March 2005)
Stephanie Rearick, Dane County Timebank (tb-kc)
(24-minute video from The Economics of Peace conference,
Sonoma California, Oct 2009)
Tucson Timetraders owes many thanks to
Sustainable Tucson, the Comfy Metasofa, and TimeBanks USA
Contact us about becoming an organizational member ! (tb-kc)
Tucson Timetraders flyers & cards download & print (tb-kc) full-page poster - ttt-poster.pdf 108k
Members can log in above, or
to join the timebank, sign up on the form above.