Knit-a-Network  Timebank Knowledge Commons  
Toolkit - Resources - Documents - Library - Upload - Contact
Welcome to the Timebank Knowledge Commons ! The TB-KC is a free library of practical advice and materials for Timebanking, a continually growing collection of how-to guides, articles, videos, funding & project proposals, research papers, etc that can help people find existing timebanks, start and run timebanks, use timebanking to address specific social issues, and take their timebank or other community initiatives to new levels...   (read more about the TB-KC project below) This home page lists all the TB-KC Timebank Toolkit articles, and some related searches in the TB-KC Resource Directory and Document Library.  Also see the TB-KC Library overview and catalog of all tb-tags in use (the database taxonomy).

Timebank Knowledge Commons - Timebank Toolkit  (tb-kc)

About the Timebank Knowledge Commons project  (tb-kc) The TB-KC is a free library of practical advice and materials for Timebanking, a continually growing collection of how-to guides, articles, videos, funding & project proposals, research papers, etc that can help people find existing timebanks, start and run timebanks, use timebanking to address specific social issues, and take their timebank or other community initiatives to new levels. The Timebank Knowledge Commons project has developed over several years of work through Knit-a-Network (tb-kc), a loose affiliation of timebankers founded by Stephanie Rearick, Director of Dane County Timebank (tb-kc).  Most of the participants are mainly in the US, but also in Canada, UK and Europe.  We have benefited from the experience of others and wish to share those benefits more widely. For work on the TB-KC so far, thanks especially to Stephanie Rearick, Greg Bloom, Cindy Jayne, Stacey Jacobsohn, Kathy Perlow, Beth Thorpe, Chris Vansprouts, Bob Hamber, Tim Dalton, Tony Budak, Eric Bachman, Edgar Cahn, Chris Gray, Martin Simon, Becky Booth, Chris Petit, Max Balakoff...  (if we’ve mispelled or missed you in this list, please contact us!)
Help build the Timebank Knowledge Commons ! (tb-kc) If you'd like to help build the Timebank Knowledge Commons, you're especially invited to add your Timebank (tb-kc) or Support Organization (tb-kc), or update your info if it's already listed. See the nav-menu at the top to Contact us or Upload documents, links & info. When submitting documents and links for the TB-KC Library, please give as much information as you know... whatever you're not sure of can be filled in later, but the more complete your info, the sooner we can make the document or resource available in the TB-KC Library. Thank you! This website is a "co-mirror" for the Timebank Knowledge Commons.  The shared TB-KC database + technical assistance are available for TB-KC working-group members who wish to host alternative or mirror copies of the Timebank Knowledge Commons (join the TB-KC working-group here). Here are some TB-KC co-mirror sites...  we're all in-progress, and not necessarily in-sync! Update 2019 Sep 15 by chris vansprouts - the original TB-KC Timebank Toolkit pages are now available here at (after quietly vanished in June 2019)... still checking and cleaning up the articles, links & database, please contact us if there's something you can't find! Contributors to this page - everyone :)

The Timebank Knowledge Commons is always under construction as we continue collecting links for the TB-KC Resource Directory and cataloging documents for the TB-KC Document Library...

If you’d like to help build the TB-KC, please see About the Timebank Knowledge Commons

this tb-kc mirror site provided by metasofa media co-op  -  creative commons (cc) by-nc-sa / each doc as noted (tb-kc)  -  updated 2019-09-20