Cats of Universal Peace

An Afternoon of

Dances of Universal Cats

with Cats of Universal Peace

[cheshire grin 24k gif]
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Introduction & Acknowledgements Many of these dances were originally led in the alleys behind the house by the cat of a student of Murshid Samuel L Lewis, and have been transmitted, via a lineage of nine generations of dervish cats, through our friend Emma P Felione. Here we have attempted to provide a brief but authentic experience of immersion in feline dervish culture. To human sensibilities, this material may seem disconcerting, downright rude at times (and we offer sincere apologies to anyone who may feel offended), but we are certain that these incatnations of human Dances of Universal Peace demonstrate some deep understanding of reality and truth, with love and appreciation for Murshid Sam and his spiritual ancestors, descendants, and miscellaneous relatives.
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We Circle Around the Empty Catfood Dish (A Feline Bismillah) 1 We circle around, we circle around, The empty catfood dish, the empty catfood dish... 2 We circle around, we circle around, The ankles of the chris, the ankles of the chris... 3 Me-ow me-ow me-ow me-ow 4 Me-ow me-ow me-ow me-ow 5 Shredding the chair and watching cat fur fly... (repeat 3 times) Dance movements: 1 Everyone hold paws in big circle and pacing step to the right (counterclockwise). 2 Still holding paws, step to the left (clockwise), as if rubbing up against "someone's" ankles. 3 Crouch and creep toward center of circle to check the dish, one step to each me-ow. 4 Back out of circle away from the empty dish, one step to each me-ow. 5 Stand on hind legs, turning slowly... Reach high in the air, and shred freely, as if sharpening your claws on the finest of upholstered hardwood furniture. Follow with a decisive flick of the tail, if you wish. Repeat nine times, or at discretion of the feeder.
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Cat and Mouse, Eee! (For urban-industrial seekers... Based on "Tat Tvam Asi" with apologies to Kabir and Kirby) 1 Cat and Mouse, Eee! Cat and Mouse, Eee! Cat and Mouse, Eee! Cat and Mouse, Eee! 2 The spray soaks into the carpet, 3 Up from the carpet spring blossom and shade. 4 You are the Cat! which you are seeking... 5 The Friend's House is your house, 6 so come on, behave. Dance movements: 1 Facing counterclockwise in line of big circle (to the right), step quietly and deliberately, looking left, then right, as if hunting for mice. 2 Turn to face away from center of circle, and casually squat with all four paws on floor. 3 Turn toward center, stand up on hind legs, raise paws to the sky as fresh fragrance blossoms from the carpet. 4 Turn to face partner. On the word "Cat!", suddenly place front paws just up over top of your head to emphasize perked-up ears, open eyes wide and grin broadly, looking directly into your partner's eyes. Turn head and eyes left on "you", then straight ahead on "are", right on "seek", and straight again on "-ing", continuing the wide-eyed grin. (It may be helpful to receive this transmission directly from an experienced teacher of the Dances.) 5 Link right arms with your partner and turn clockwise 1/2 turn (you'll be next to new partner). 6 All in big circle with paws on shoulders, moving counterclockwise. Variation: Lines 2 & 3 may be omitted in houses with no carpet.
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Meow Ram Nam Pranam Partners Dance 1 Meow Ram (God who at once is truth and 2 Meow Ram power, impersonal and 3 Meow Meow Ram purr... personal! Victory to Thee! 4 Meow Ram Victory, victory to Thee!) 5 Meow Ram 6 Meow Meow Ram purr... Dance Movements: 1 Facing partner, pranam (gently touch noses) on "Ram" in recognition of the divine essence within your partner. 2 Wave tail toward center of circle, then follow your tail 1/2 turn to face your "corner" (your previous partner) and touch noses on "Ram". (If no one is facing you, you probably turned too far, turn back and find a nose, no butt-sniffing!) 3 Wave tail toward center of circle, then follow tail one+1/4 turns, and pranam toward center of circle on the purr. 4-6 Same as 1-3 except pranam with "corner" first, then partner. To begin next cycle, leap quickly past partner to next partner in line of direction...
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Benediction Dance for Cats of Universal Peace 1 May the blessings of God rest upon you, 2 May God's bees abide with you... 3 May God's insects 4 alight upon your bowl, 5 For lunch, and for dinner too. Dance Movements: 1 Facing partner, stretch back with arms toward the sky, then lower arms toward the ground while standing upright. 2 With each front paw, form the sacred bee-mudra (similar to Shiva's mudra) by making a circle with thumb and index toe, other toes extended, pads down. Gently and peacefully fly your two bees around in front of your partner. 3 Hold both paws up towards the sky, pads up... 4 Bring left paw down and cup in a bowl shape, while right paw descends slowly with toes waving around representing insects, to finally alight gently on the bowl formed by your partner's left paw (those who feel uncomfortable with the apparent intimacy of this motion need not make actual physical contact). 5 Each partner cup both paws together into a full bowl, and on the word "dinner" dip head into bowl, and up again. Lick whiskers appreciatively while gazing gently at partner. Move to next partner by passing right shoulders.
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Kuake Mia-o Te Sun Dance ("mia-o" is pronounced "meow") 1 Kuake lano lano mia-o te 2 Hayyano, hayyano, hayyano 3-4 (repeat 1-2) 5-6 (repeat 1-2) 7-8 (repeat 1-2) 9 Let me be one with the infinite sun 10 Purr... purr... purr... 11-12 (repeat 9-10) Dance movements: 1 Start in big circle. Checking floor carefully, take four steps toward center... 2 Stretch upward on hind legs and turn to each of the four directions, checking for the most comfy place... 3 Back four steps outward from center, checking floor... 4 Same as 2 5 Holding front paws in big circle, four side-steps right (counter-clockwise around the circle) 6 Same as 2 7 Holding paws again, four side-steps left (clockwise around the circle) 8 Same as 2 9 Everyone recline on the floor in place, lounging luxuriously in your infinite square of winter sunlight. 10 Purr loudly. 11 Stretch luxuriously and adjust your position about 6 inches sunward (to the left, clockwise around the circle) 12 Same as 10
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Me-ow Beings Be Well Me-ow beings be well, me-ow beings be happy, Purr... Purr... Purr... (This work is dedicated to the enlightenment of all beings, including humans too)
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Transcribed and translated by chris vansprouts, with assistance from Barb Rich.  Comments, suggestions, and contributions may be submitted to the Cats of Universal Peace Fermentation Project, c/o e-mail vansprouts at mac dot com, subj: Cats of Universal Peace (miao!-)

Excerpted from Dances of Universal Cats with Cats of Universal Peace, Volume 1, copyright (c)2000 T.O.M.S.  All rights reserved, including the right to reproduce anytime anywhere with anyone.  Held in trust for the original authors by Toward the One Meow Society.

also see - meta metta - emma & barb 99