how to contact us

send email to: comfy metasofa <metasofa at>, or see the current metasofa news for other addresses and phone numbers if any.  please try to email or phone at least a few days before events to give us time to answer.

secure message & file upload

alternatively to email, there's a metasofa upload page for sending text messages and uploading files directly to - either securely (see metasofa certificate authority) - or insecurely (just as secure as email :)

metasofa email announcements

if you'd like to subscribe or unsubscribe to the metasofa e-newsletter, send us email anytime...

to: comfy metasofa <metasofa at>

subject: subscribe events   - events & news, monthly or less often
subject: subscribe news     - 2 to 4 times a year max, whenever there's news
subject: unsubscribe all    - no email announcements

the mailing list is confidential and used only for sending bcc metasofa news.  also see current & old newsletters here on the website.

copyright notice - copyright © the comfy metasofa consortium, all rights reserved.

these webpages, images, sounds, and other data are intellectual property of the original authors, and not in the public domain, unless otherwise noted.  permission granted only for non-commercial use or distribution.  copies must be accurate and complete, including this notice.  other use or distribution may require prior permission in writing from the original authors.

comfy metasofa <metasofa at>

also see  -  metasofa  -  news  -  workshops  -  community  -  invitation